dilluns, 11 d’agost del 2014

BSX reveals federal probe of BridgePoint buy | Medtech legal news for the week of August 11, 2014

Here's a look at some of the top legal news stories for medical device companies this week: Boston Scientific reveals federal probe of BridgePoint buy, sales; Court defines 'breast implant' in Dow Corning's $2B product liability saga; Apex fights to get respiratory masks back in Germany; St. Jude and Volcano call a cease-fire

Boston Scientific reveals federal probe of BridgePoint buy, sales

August 7, 2014 by Arezu Sarvestani

Boston Scientific reveals federal probe of 2012 Bridgepoint Medical buy

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from MassDevice - FDA and Medical device business news and jobs for the medical device industry http://ift.tt/1oD0ObD

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