divendres, 17 de febrer del 2017

Details emerge on plan to repeal, replace Obamacare

Capitol HillThe evolving Republican plan to repeal and replace Obamacare would repeal cuts in payments to hospitals treating large numbers of uninsured patients, repeal the penalties for individuals and employers who don’t have or offer coverage and unwind changes to Medicaid made by the Affordable Care Act, according to a GOP policy paper issued yesterday.

The administration and Republican leaders yesterday said they plan to issue a full proposal after the Presidents Day break ends Feb. 27.

“We’re doing Obamacare, we’re in the final stages,” Trump said during a rambling news conference yesterday. “So we will be submitting sometime in early March, mid-March.”

“After the House returns following the Presidents Day break, we intend to introduce legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare,” House speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said at a press conference shortly after many House Republicans huddled in a closed session with newly-installed Health & Human Services secretary Dr. Tom Price.

The 19-page policy paper offers details on how they plan to go about remaking the healthcare system, by giving states more control over their Medicaid programs and issue “innovation grants” to create high-risk pools, cut out-of-pocket costs or promote access.

The plan would also change the regulations covering health savings accounts, increasing the limits on HSA contributions and allowing the funds to be spent on over-the-counter healthcare items. The plan would allow spouses to make extra contributions and expand the window for using HSA funds on some expenses.

The Republican proposal would also create a “portable,” age-based monthly tax credit for use in purchasing health insurance.

Material from Reuters was used in this report.

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