divendres, 7 de desembre del 2018

FDA clears Contego Medical’s Vanguard IEP peripheral balloon

Contego Medical's Paladin balloonContego Medical said today that it won 510(k) clearance from the FDA for its Vanguard IEP peripheral balloon, which features an embolic protection function.

“Securing FDA clearance for Vanguard IEP represents a major milestone for Contego Medical,” founder & CEO Dr. Ravish Sachar said in prepared remarks. “As the patient population with peripheral arterial disease continues to expand and become more complex, we believe our technology will play a critical role in protecting vulnerable patients from embolic events and thus improve procedural outcomes.”

“The Vanguard IEP System is designed to protect patients at high risk for embolization during peripheral angioplasty, such as those with acute limb ischemia, severe calcification, and chronic total occlusions if crossed intraluminally. It is also well suited to protect patients at high risk for complications should embolization occur, such as those with poor distal run-off,” added Dr. Thomas Zeller, of Bad-Krozingen, Germany’s Unversitaets Herzzentrum, and principal investigator of Contego’s Entrap study. “In our experience, the device has performed exactly as intended and we are impressed with the ease of use of the system, with no more exchanges required than in a typical angioplasty procedure.”

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from MassDevice https://ift.tt/2L2UMRj

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