divendres, 18 de novembre del 2016

MassDevice.com +5 | The top 5 medtech stories for November 18, 2016


Say hello to MassDevice +5, a bite-sized view of the top five medtech stories of the day. This feature of MassDevice.com’s coverage highlights our 5 biggest and most influential stories from the day’s news to make sure you’re up to date on the headlines that continue to shape the medical device industry.

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5. InVivo Therapeutics adds patient to Inspire spinal scaffold trial

MassDevice.com news

InVivo Therapeutics said today it added a new patient to the Inspire study of its neuro-spinal scaffold.

The Cambridge, Mass.-based company’s neuro-spinal scaffold is designed to be surgically implanted following acute spinal cord injuries to act as a physical substrate for nerve sprouting. Read more

4. Xenocor wins CE Mark for low cost Xenoscope laparoscope

MassDevice.com news

Laparoscopic device developer Xenocor said today it won CE Mark approval in the European Union for its single-use Xeonoscope laparoscopic systems.

The Salt Lake City, Utah-based company touted the device as the 1st single-use laparoscope offered in a sterile condition. Read more

3. Aethlon’s blood filtration device as broad countermeasure for infectious diseases

MassDevice.com news

In the midst of a devastating global crisis 2 years ago, a Ugandan physician was infected with Ebola in Sierra Leone as he was treating patients. He was hospitalized at the Frankfurt University Hospital and 12 days later he was unconscious, suffering from multiple organ failure.

By the time Aethlon Medical got permission to use its Hemopurifier device, the doctor required mechanical ventilation, continuous dialysis and vasopressor medications. After almost 7 hours of treatment with the single cartridge blood filtration device, the patient’s viral load dropped from 400,000 virus copies per milliliter of blood to 1,000 copies per milliliter. The doctor eventually made a full recovery. Read more

2. Novocure touts Phase II data for tumor-treating fields in mesothelioma

MassDevice.com news

NovoCure today released results from the ongoing phase 2 pilot clinical trial of its Optune device combined with chemotherapy for patients with unresectable, previously untreated mesothelioma.

Data from the trial is also slated to be presented at the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer’s 17th World Conference on Lung Cancer on December 7. Read more

1. Medicare issues leadless pacer coverage proposal

MassDevice.com news

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said this week it is changing its coverage to now cover leadless pacemakers, but only for FDA approved studies.

The change comes with a newly released draft of CMS’ national coverage determination for the devices, which outlines 3 protocols the studies must address to receive coverage. Read more

The post MassDevice.com +5 | The top 5 medtech stories for November 18, 2016 appeared first on MassDevice.

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